Tuesday, June 26, 2012

etegami as memory-keeper

"the 35th year"

the sun's #1 disciple
Our wedding anniversary comes at the same time each year, every year. (duh) Anniversaries are made that way, I guess, to help one not to forget (and these days my poor little gray cells need all the help they can get). That was a few days ago. This year, for the first time, I painted an etegami just for him. This year, for the 35th time, he gave me a bouquet of flowers. An etegami will last for a while, but flowers tend not to last very long. So I have made it my tradition to draw the flowers, or at least one or two flowers from among the bunch, as a keepsake of our special day. If I had been doing etegami back when I was raising my children, I could have marked their special days with etegami as well.

What special occasions would you mark with etegami if you could?


  1. Hi, Debbie,
    Congratulations! So sweet post & the etegamis. Have a wonderful day and forever.
    Best wishes,Sadami♫·.•ʚ(ˆ◡ˆ)ɞ

  2. So very nice. May you paint a tome of flowers.

  3. Gifts from friends, it is so easy to forget those little but important small gestures we receive from others almost every day.

    1. So true, etegami make great thank you cards too.

  4. As you so well say: something that sadly have to physically disappear. i.e. Nature. Recently when we were hiking in Ariège, we were stopping once in a while only to try desperately to fill ourselves with memories of the landscape in front on us. Pictures are never enough, etegamis could perhaps summarize the experience?

  5. Wonderful, thoughtful post, gets me thinking about the potential of etegami as a sort of giveaway diary. hanks.

  6. Etegami would be perfect small things to create to send away - to mark moments of letting go, I think. A graduation, a kid off to school, an end of any kind (and there are so many every season of one kind or another - end of a relationship, end of strawberry season, end of useful life of your favourite shoes and all the dances they have led you...)- the creative effort put somewhere special - and then sent off, as etegami are meant to be. Perfect.

    1. "end of useful life of your favorite shoes" is an inspiring idea. I've actually received etegami from my Japanese friends on this very theme.

  7. End of life of your favorite shoes - I had never thought of that, but it is so appropriate.

  8. How beautiful! Best wishes on your anniversary. There are so many good ideas here for etagami, how about for moving on, like when a kid is leaving home for college the first time or you are starting on a new career...

    1. Those are big events, eminently worthy of recording in etegami. :D

  9. This weekend I saw my zen teacher for the first time since her dharma transmission. (The ceremony in which she becomes qualified to ordain priests.) I gave her a picture of a leaf with the saying "a single leaf promises a green world."

  10. I adore the colors in this. What a beautiful, special remembrance. I like the idea of commemorating a beloved pet--either its coming or going :)

  11. Happy anniversary! Thirty-five years of marriage should be celebrated, it's a wonderful accomplishment.

    1. The etegami was the extent of my celebration, but it felt like the right amount of celebration. :)

  12. 記念日おめでとうございます。


    1. 今日、あなたの実家宛に絵手紙出したよ!

  13. I love this post. I love your etigami

  14. 結婚記念日おめでとうございます。

  15. Congratulations on the anniversary!! :)

    With the help of etegami I would mark the new words that my daughter starts saying :)) yesterday she said "kar-kar" meaning the crow :)) *of course, "r" sounded her own special way that makes me smile each time I remember her looking around at the trees searching for the source of that sound :)))

  16. What a beautiful idea and congratulations my friend!
