This week's IF topic brings to mind the series of etegami that I did to record the growth of my strawberry plant last year.
1: The day the strawberry seedling arrived at my house.
2: The day temperatures plummeted and I thought I had lost my plant to frostbite.
3: The day my plant revived and began to grow vigorously.
4. The day I noticed the first sign of fruit.
5: The day I harvested the first ripe strawberry.
6: The day I used the first strawberry as a filling for Ichigo Daiguku, a delicious, traditional Japanese confection.
The original post is here: My Strawberry Diary.
thank you, Dosankodebbie :) sorry... that was the first image that crossed my mind! ow, and your illustration is beautiful!
ReplyDeleteThis is a wonderful diary entry!!
ReplyDeleteA lovely illustration of 'diary' and I hadn't heard of etegami before, so thank you for stopping by my blog and starting me on the path to finding out!
ReplyDeleteI am really thrilled to have found your blogs... the Ainu, mochi recipes (I lived in Yamaguchi-ken for one year and I miss mochi!), mail art... amazing! My husband wrote a paper on the Ainu back while we were in university in Canada. It was a term paper for an aboriginal studies class (he was studying this and Japanese) and I know he had some trouble finding information at the time. If only we had known about you then! The main source that he found that he liked was a French translation of a book by Tsushima Yuko called 'Tombent tombent les gouttes d'argent' in French. He tried his best to present his research in a way that tried to give voice to Ainu stories and perceptions, rather than giving a lot of outside analysis.
Anyway, it's great to have found you... I am really looking forward to reading through your various blogs!
amba, studio lolo, jodi: Thank you for the kind and encouraging comments! I have found inspiration in your creative interpretations of the IF topics.
ReplyDeletejodi, We certainly seem to share a lot of interests and experiences. I'm glad we've found each other too.
I really like your art work and hope that it will inspire me to try some. To that end, I'm following your blog.
ReplyDeleteI found your name on sendsomething even though you're taking a break.
Welcome, Sarala! Nice to meet you. I'm sure glad I didn't delete my SS profile. :D