Sunday, February 1, 2015

scrappy valentine cards

I made these valentine cards from scraps that were destined for the trash: (1)  stiff paper board from a pack of printer paper, (2) an old blouse, (3) chiyogami (brightly patterned washi paper) left over from another project,  and (4) printed flexible magnets advertising a plumbing company.

I cut the stiff paper board into  2" x 3" cards, glued the fabric onto one side of each card,  cut hearts out of the chiyogami and glued them onto the fabric, then trimmed any cloth or chiyogami that extended beyond the edges of each card. I wrote the words directly on the fabric with a white gel pen.

Finally, I cut up the flexible magnets and glued them onto the back of each card so that the printed side was hidden and the black, magnetic side faced outwards. Hopefully the glue will be strong enough to keep the materials together even after lots of handling. I tested the strength of the completed magnet cards on my refrigerator and they didn't disappoint me. Magnetic Valentine cards made from recycled scraps!


  1. these look lovely and what a great recycling idea!

  2. Congrats on getting published! I love what you did with your scraps. You put gladness in my heart :)

  3. I just threw away one of those magnetic plumber ads. What a great idea this is to recycle them. Will hang on to them next time. Your recycling ideas are great.

  4. I love the way you turned upcycled these cards. Great use of materials. They are delightful. I haven't commented in a while, but I do enjoy seeing your posts in my blogger feed or on Facebook. They always bring me a smile and make my day brighter.

  5. Reduce, reuse, recycle ! Great cards made from scrap !!
