Friday, February 7, 2014

hand-painted frame #3

My most recent painted frame is a very small, hinged frame. You can see by comparing it to the 4 x 6 inch card I cut out of a box top, that whole frame is the same size as a postcard. I had to cut one of my etegami into fourths to have something to display in it. Didn't feel there was enough space left for adding words, but on reflection, I could have fit in just one Chinese character. Maybe I still will.

I plan to paint three more of these mini-frames, making each as different from the others as I can. But I desperately need a smaller brush before I tackle the next one.


  1. Here's my personal opinion which is the price you are paying for it...

    Get your smaller brush, and don't make the frames so busy that they distract from your beautiful etegami. I think you should get frames big enough to adequately hold your creations so they are not crowded. xoxo

    1. Thank you so much for the feedback, Margie!! You're right that these mini-frames don't work well for etegami, although they *are* the perfect size for ATCs (artist trading cards). Would a simple black & white drawing look okay in this frame, do you think? I'll keep experimenting. Keep sending me your thoughts. oxox

  2. Debbie - the word is adorable. And I believe when the frame colors coordinate with the Art, as yours did - then, for my taste, it is not too busy.

    1. Thanks, Pamela. I will keep experimenting with frame & artwork combos and see how it goes. It's quite fun. :)
