Saturday, July 30, 2011

sketchbook project 2012 (second tale)

The Fox's Song is one of my favorite Ainu yukar, because it doesn't seem to take itself too seriously. And yet it is a morality tale like all the others. I'm not real happy with the shadows in the scanned image. The further I get into the sketchbook, the more the pages get ruffled or warped, or whatever you call it. (p.s. My avatar, the ladybug, and its flippant comments are not in the original yukar)


  1. Is anybody actually able to draw or paint directly onto that paper?Your solution is a good one but it is shame to pay for scanning if the images are spoiled by the transparency of the paper. Great telling of the stories (with added humour!).

  2. @Carole, you're allowed to take the sketchbook apart and rebind it with any paper of your choice, as long as it doesn't change the dimensions of the book. A lot of Sketchbook Project participants do just that. But I'm not clever enough --or maybe I don't care enough-- to figure out how to make it work with my washi cards.

  3. I also took it apart so I could add layers to my colllage. I'm going to attempt to resew it back together & there are quite a few tips if you browse the forums on the arthouse site beatifullly done by the way. :)

  4. Lovely! (I have a thing for foxes)
    Can you paint on different paper and glue your paintings into the book?

  5. Thanks @Danee-Gurl, I haven't browsed the Arthouse forums, and I should do that. Maybe I'll find something that motivates me to rebind my book and start all over. :p

  6. @Kieren, Yes, you and your foxes! There are a lot of Ainu folktales about foxes. I like them too.

    And yes, I could glue my paintings into the book, but the washi cards I normally use are so thick that the book would quickly become awkwardly shaped, and probably exceed the dimensions allowed.

    That's why, for this sketchbook, I printed my artwork onto thin, commercially-produced, imitation-washi printer paper. Then I cut or tore the images out and glued them onto the sketchbook. It's a poor compromise, but still...
