Sunday, May 1, 2011

illustration friday (lesson)

I recently read a hilarious essay about an uproar that took place over a certain American television commercial featuring toilet paper. The details aren't important, but apparently the uproar was of the extreme-feminist variety.

This reminded me of a type of toilet paper produced in Japan some years back. It was printed with English language lessons. The idea was that you could study English while sitting on the toilet. This product was the rage for a brief while, but some people expressed concern that it would give girls an academic advantage over boys. People are such amusing creatures.


  1. Why am I not surprised that the feminists protested? Hahahaha! This is funny, although, I tell you, if I saw Japanese toilet paper with characters, I may collect them just because the Japanese are the best in paper making! Your illustration is superb. May I please order a set of 36 rolls? :)

  2. Actually the idea of printing info on loo roll is a good one though I'd say it would give men the educational advantage as my hub disappears for ages with a magazine in the bathroom.

  3. How fun!
    It reminds me of presidential campaign in France years and years ago and involved toilet paper!

  4. This is great. You never cease to amaze me.

  5. No way!!! that's so funny learning english while at the toilets? incredible
    love the inllustration :)

  6. Oh my gosh, I want some toilet paper with Foreign language lessons! And the part about the gender difference cracks me up! Only you could make lovely illustration out of toilet paper...

  7. Thanks so much for your visit and coment, you have a very nice blog, I love your style, so colorful and full of life.

    Your post for lesson its a great job. very good idea.

  8. this is hilarious. thanks for both the illustration and the vignette that came with it. :)

  9. Hehehe! Great one Deb! I can just picture a Japaneese woman sitting on the toilet learning English.. Wait that didn't sound right.....hehehe. Love your style and wit :o)

  10. :-))) funny. I wish I could have "experienced" that. Think of all the mail art we could have made out of this!

  11. I don't know it they're still producing this product, but you can find them for sale at online marketplaces like Rakuten. ;p
