Tuesday, November 16, 2010

mini-exhibit (autumn)

Acorns by Mike Szwarc (USA)

Changeable Autumn Weather by Carole Marshall (Australia), Autumn Leaf by Yun Stouls (France)

Autumn Leaves by Katerina Nikoltsou (Greece)

Bursting Chestnut "under the spreading chestnut tree" by dosankodebbie (Japan), Autumn Leaf by Jennifer Kennedy (USA)

Persimmons Hung to Dry "getting sweeter by being hung and dried" by dosankodebbie, Horse Chestnuts (Psalm 51:2) by dosankodebbie

Chestnuts "good friends" by Michiko Shimizu (Japan), Hototogisu Flower (Tricyrtis) "to be among the autumn grasses" by Youko Ogawa (Japan)

Yellow Cosmos Flower "waving at a blue sky" by Michiko Shimizu (Japan), Pine Cone "fragrance of pine" by dosankodebbie, Pear "the color of autumn" by Takako Chida (Japan)

My warm thanks to all who responded to the Autumn-themed Etegami call, even though I gave you very little warning. The deadline was actually calculated to keep you from spending too much time on your submission. Etegami are best when they're drawn without too much self-conscious planning. Some additional pieces may still be on their way, but I've decided to go ahead and post what has already arrived. Any etegami arriving after today will be posted on my mailart gallery instead of here.


  1. Thanks for posting my work Debbie I feel humble beside these 'real' etegami artists.
    Interesting how the colours seem very similar in many of them, I guess an orangey red just says autumn.
    Youko, I have always wondered what the hototogisu flower looked like, I have just re-read 'the Pillow book of Sei Shonagon and she mentions it a lot. You have painted it beautifully. Congratulations to everybody.Looking forward to the next challenge.

  2. So cute!
    I think, many people domine the brush..
    Very nice works.

  3. A lovely exhibition of fall artwork.

    The acorns are still falling-- there was a bumper crop this year. When it's windy, the acorns sound like hail rattling against our metal roof.

    The acorns are from a live oak tree. The leaves never turn color, and won't fall until March.

  4. Debbie,could you provide translations of the etegami written in Japanese? I've been able to puzzle my way through a couple of them, but I'm having trouble with most of them.

  5. Many thanks for the translations!

  6. Jennifer, thanks for your address!

    @Jen sent me the following comment:

    Love the mini-exhibit. I think the two by Katerina are my favorite. I have a thing for orange leaves.

  7. I join Mike to thank you for the translations, they give more value to the beautiful drawings.

  8. oh my, I thoroughly enjoyed this!! Each and every one is simply wonderful. I wish I had been brave enough to try it!

    Next time ;)

  9. Wonderful!
    I'm off to take pictures of the very yellow ginko leaves!

  10. Great great work you have here! Love the style and feel the season right away!
