Saturday, September 25, 2010

proverbial cows

Here is a series of etegami based on cow-related proverbs. Some may be familiar to you, others less so. Since cow faces featured prominently in Issa's cows, I tried to refer to the cow a little more indirectly this time. The one posted here at the top quotes an African proverb. I don't know which tribal group or language culture, but it obviously comes from one which values cow dung for its usefulness in daily life. I wasn't trying to be gross or anything. (Those black marks are cow hoof prints, by the way!)

Of the etegami and etegami collages shown below, the only one that doesn't come with English writing is the Japanese proverb that reads: Tsuno o tamete, Ushi o korosu, which translates roughly to: Killing the cow while trying to straighten its horn. It has a similar meaning to the English saying "strain at a gnat and swallow a camel." (obsessing over minor things and screwing up something major).

I think I'm finished with cows for a while. But I would be thrilled if any of you want to send me your own hand-painted etegami or other mailart based on a cow proverb, song, or poem from your own culture. :D


  1. Nice series. LOL, before I can attempt any form of art on cows, let me learn how to draw a basic cow first... Happy Sunday Deborah.

  2. I really enjoyed viewing these Debbie. How I wish I could do etagami! Beautiful works, all of you! ~~~Naomi~~~

  3. Too late, Debbie. I've sent you an octopus instead! Thanks for sharing those beautiful etegami & the proverbs.

  4. @Evelyn, I don't think you need any basic training or drawing skills to do Etegami. The more unselfconscious the etegami is, the more interesting it is.

    @Naomi, ditto above. If you want to do it, you can! With whatever materials you have at hand.

    @Yun, I got your vibrant octopus card yesterday and will post it on the mailart gallery soon. I'll experiment with the paper you sent me and let you know what I think. Thanks!

  5. Hi Debbie, found your blog through some ASIJ friends on fb. I'm a classmate of Cynthia's. Wonderful work you are doing here. Maybe you can do a cow Etegami inspired by the cow in the movie "O Brother Where Art Thou"?

  6. Glad to meet you, @Wynn. Thanks so much for visiting my blog. I'll have to look further into your suggestion. :D

  7. Lovely bovine specimens! We featured you and your work on our blog at Humor-Us Guide to Japan
